We've all heard of the capsule wardrobe; a selection of essential, timeless items of clothing that transcend fashion and form the basis of outfits for many years. But have you ever thought about building an eyewear wardrobe in the same way?

I'm never going to ask you to buy new glasses each and every time you have an eye exam. Instead I'm going to spend time (a few years if need be) helping you build a collection of glasses that will serve you for a long time. Provided your glasses are in reasonable condition I will always put new lenses into a frame you already have, or re-purpose an old favourite as a sunglass for example. A lot of opticians insist you buy a new frame and will not entertain re-using the ones you already have; but that does not fit with my values. I don't want us (humans) to keep creating low cost, high volume products that are thrown away almost as quickly as they are made. I'd much rather we buy well in the first place and love our glasses for longer.

So which glasses do you need to build the perfect eyewear wardrobe? 

Well, there's no perfect number (and feel free to have more than suggested here!), but these four are the essentials:

1. The 'All-Rounder'

This will most likely be neutral (whatever that means for you) and will fit like your comfiest pair of slippers. It should compliment your natural skin tone, go with the widest range of outfits possible and most importantly, make you feel great.

2. The Bold

A slightly bolder look. You might perhaps try a chunkier shape or more impactful colour. This is the one you want to wear when you're off out somewhere special or really want to make a confident, stylish impression on others.

3. Sunglasses

Apart from the fact they're super practical and protect your eyes from harmful UV, they look cool as if you get the right pair. If you're only having one pair of sunglasses, opt for a shape and style that won't date.

4. Bonus Pair

If you want to, there's a fourth option. A wildcard you might say. This one adds a little something different to the collection. It can be a totally different shape, a different material or an unexpected design.

If you'd like some expert help finding exactly the right selection of glasses, book your Styling Session here. If you're in Rossendale you can see me in-person, if not you can book an Online Glasses Styling Session (with trial box option). Either way, you'll be saving yourself epic amounts of time and stress finding glasses that you love. I'll do all the hard work for you!

If you'd like to see some specific suggestions for your eyewear wardrobe sign up to our email newsletter (you'll find this at the bottom of the web page) where each week you'll get recommendations and top styling tips. 

Rebecca x

Rebecca Thompson